Your wine club is a container for your membership levels. When your prospective members click the Wine Club navigation on your website the first thing they see is your club's name, image, and description.

Create your club

If this is your first club then you will need to begin by adding your first wine club. In Bloom, on the Clubs tab, click Add wine club in the upper righthand corner of the page.

Edit your club

In Bloom, on the Clubs tab, click the pencil icon to the far right of your club name.

The fields you can edit:

  1. Club name - The name of your wine club and title on your wine club page
  2. Description - Displayed under the title on your wine club page
  3. Membership Content - Text that is displayed on the wine club page to members only
  4. Image - Main image on wine club page


Save and Continue

When you’re done editing, make sure to press the Save and Continue button. With your wine club now set up, you can go on to Add or Edit a Membership Level