Bloom uses as its payment gateway. You won't need to log into your gateway very often since Bloom and Shopify handle most of your payment, reporting and refund needs. Here are a few reasons why you might need to use the gateway:

  1. Refund a member's club order. See Payments and Refunds Explained for more details.
  2. View transaction reports. Shopify provides order and finance reports, but not details on payment transactions.
  3. Check the status of a payment transaction. If the transaction hasn't been settled, you can also void it through the gateway.

Here is a link to log into your gateway. If you don't have log-in credentials, contact us.

For more information on how to use the gateway, here are few relevant links to our documentation:

  1. Payments and Transactions
  2. Voids and Refunds
  3. Customer Information Manager