To view batches that you have already processed, click the Batches tab, then the Processed sub-tab.
After you process a batch, the results of the processing can be viewed as a processed batch. The results list the memberships that failed to process plus all the memberships that were successfully processed. Details of each payment can also be views.
View the results of a processed batch
1. Click the batch name from the Processed list.
Inside a batch failed payments are listed first, then successful payments.
View the processing details of a membership
1. Click the batch name from the Processed list.
2. Click the payment status link next to the member's name.
Delete a processed batch
From time to time, you may want to clean up processed batches, especially if they don't include any failed payments.
1. Click the batch name from the Processed list.
2. Click the trashcan icon for the batch you'd like to delete.
3. Type 'Delete' in the delete dialog.
Reprocess a failed membership
If a payment fails you or your member needs to update their billing info. After the credit card or billing information is updated you can re-process the payment.
1. Click the batch name from the list.
2. Follow the steps for Reprocessing a failed membership
Only failed payments can be reprocessed. They will appear at the top of the payments list, above successful payments.