In this article
- Selling to Members by creating a new order through Bloom
- Selling to Members Using the Shopify POS
- Selling to Retail Customers Using the Shopify POS
- Selling to Wholesale Customers Using the Shopify POS
- Selling to Wholesale Customers Using the Shopify Admin
Selling to Members by creating a new order through Bloom
Members have saved their billing information in the payment gateway. You can use that saved billing information and related discounts when creating a new order.
- Log into the Bloom app and go to the Memberships tab, then search for your member by their last name. Click on their name, which will load their membership details.
- Check that the member's shipping and billing information are up-to-date, and match what you want to use for the quick order. Above their details, click on the white Create Order button.
- This starts the order process. Select the products you want to include on the order.
- The order will be created in Shopify. Now you can update the quantities, change discount, tax, or shipping info, if needed. To use the members saved credit card, click the More Actions drop down in the top right and select Pay with saved credit card. This will charge the member's card and finalize the order.
Selling to Members Using the Shopify POS
If you are using the POS there are pros and cons to using it to sell wine to club members. The POS is designed to be fast and easy, but it does require you to manually add the correct discount, and swipe the member's credit card. Membership information is not available in the POS, but they are in the POS as an existing customer.
- Open the POS and make sure you're on the default Checkout tab.
- First search for your member using the Add Customer button by entering their last name. If you see duplicate customers make sure you select the record you want to use for the sale.
- Select the items you want to sell. Tap the item to updates quantities.
- Tap "Add cart discount" to apply the member their discount. Use the percentage type, give the discount a name if you'd like, and enter the percentage amount and tap done.
- Click the total to move to the checkout process and complete the transaction.
Selling to Retail Customers Using the Shopify POS
If a customer wants to purchase from your tasting room or event, use the Shopify POS.
- Open the POS and make sure you're on the default Checkout tab.
- If you aren't certain they are a new customer you should first search for them by their last name before you create a new order. It's important you don't create a duplicate customer.
- You probably don't want to add a discount so simply select the products and desired quantities.
- Click the total to move to the checkout process and complete the transaction.
Selling to Wholesale Customers Using the Shopify POS
Selling to wholesale customers using the POS is similar to selling to retail customers, but with a few slight differences. You'll want to provide them a wholesale discount, and will likely accept a check for payment.
- Open the POS and make sure you're on the default Checkout tab.
- First search for your wholesale customer using the Add Customer button by entering their last name. If you see duplicate customers make sure you select the record you want to use for the sale.
- Select the items you want to sell. Tap the item to updates quantities.
- If taxes appear, it means their customer isn't marked as Tax Exempt. Tap the customer name toggle them to Tax Exempt. Taxes should be removed.
- Tap "Add cart discount" to apply their wholesale discount. Use the percentage type, give the discount a name if you'd like, and enter the percentage amount and tap done.
- Click the total to move to the checkout process.
- Select Check as the payment option (assuming they are paying by check).
- If you iPad is connected to a wireless printer and you have the Order Printer POS app installed, you can print an invoice from the POS.
Selling to Wholesale Customers Using the Shopify Admin
If you don't have your POS on hand, but can log into your Shopify Admin using a computer, you can create wholesale order.
First, make sure the wholesale customer you are selling to has their sales type set to Wholesale and that they are tax-exempt.
- Log into your Shopify admin and navigate to Orders, then click blue Create Order button at the top of your admin screen.
- First search for your wholesale using the Find Customers field by entering their last name. If you see duplicate customers make sure you select the record you want to use for the sale.
- Using the Find Products field, select the items you want to sell, then update quantities.
- If taxes appear, it means their customer isn't marked as Tax Exempt. You can click the Taxes link to remove the taxes. Additionally, you can edit the customer by clicking the customer's name and mark them as Tax Exempt. Taxes will be removed when future orders are created for them.
- When the order is ready to complete, you can choose to email them an invoice by clicking the Invoice button. The email will ask the customer to complete the order where they can pay by credit card, or by check if you have that payment option set up in your payment settings.
- A draft order will be created since you haven't captured payment.
- Once you receive payment, mark the order as paid and fulfilled.