If you need to cancel or void an order, first start by using Shopify's Cancel or Refund features. If you have the Bloom app installed, canceled club orders will be auto-voided in Authorize.net. Additionally, refunds will be automatically created for club orders. Remember, voiding orders can only happen to unsettled transactions. A void will not create a transaction on your customer's statement. You can only refund a settled order.
Important: If the transaction is less than 24 hours old, there is a good chance it hasn't settled. When making partial refunds in Shopify, you need to first make sure the transaction has settled, since remember, you can only void (cancel and delete) unsettled transactions. If you attempt to partially void an unsettled transaction, then you'll receive an email from Bloom letting you know the refund failed. Either wait for the transaction to settle, or just cancel the order and create a new order for the customer.
Canceling & void orders
As mentioned above, if the order hasn't been settled (less than 24 hours old) you're best to just cancel/void the order in Shopify.
- Open the order detail view
- Click on the More actions drop-down at the top of the order and select 'Cancel order'
- Follow the prompts and complete the cancelation.
- If the order can be voided, a void will be issued in the gateway. Else it will be refunded.
Refunds in Shopify or the POS
You can refund customers through Shopify's order interface, or through the POS. It's simple.
- Open the order and click the Refund button
- Reduce the quantity, refund shipping, or simply credit the order.
- Choose to notify your customer by checking the box at the bottom of the window.
- Save your changes.
- Your customer will receive a refund email if you have chosen to send them the notification.
Important: Remember, if you're doing a partial refund on an order that hasn't settled, cancel the order and create a new one for the customer.
Void Unsettled Transactions in Authorize.net
You can only void unsettled transactions in the gateway. If you cancel or fully refund an order in Shopify, you shouldn't need to void in the gateway. But, if for some reason you need to, here are the instructions.
On the Home tab in Authorize.net, look in the top of the left navigation for the Unsettled Transactions link. This page allows you to void a single or multiple unsettled transactions and prevent them from being submitted for settlement.
To void unsettled transactions:
Step 1: Select Group Void from the Filter By: drop-down list.
Step 2: Click View. Only those transactions that are eligible for voiding are listed
Step 3: Click the checkbox next to the transaction(s) you would like to void. You can also select the Select All checkbox to void all eligible transactions listed on the current page.
Step 4: Click Void. A confirmation message appears, asking if you want to continue with the void.
Step 5: Click OK to continue, or click Cancel to cancel the action.
Once the transaction(s) have been submitted for void, the Transaction Status page opens, listing the transaction ID(s) and transaction results. To view more details for a transaction, click the Transaction ID for the transaction you want to view. The Transaction Detail page opens.
Tip: Using the Payment Method filter in conjunction with the Group Void filter streamlines your ability to void transactions for which the same payment method was used.
Refund a Transaction in Authorize.net
The Transaction Detail page allows you to refund a previously settled transaction and submit it for processing.
Note: Only transactions settled within the past 120 days are eligible for refund.
If the settled transaction is eligible for refund, the Refund button appears at the top and bottom of the Transaction Detail page.
To refund a transaction:
Step 1: Click Refund. The Refund Transaction window opens, displaying information about the settled transaction.
Step 2: If necessary, edit the amount to be refunded in the Refund Amount text field. The amount can only be modified to be less than the original amount of the settled transaction.
Step 3: The original invoice number for the transaction will be automatically populated in the Invoice #field. If you would like a new invoice number to be associated with the refund, you can delete the old number and enter in a new one.
Step 4: If you would like to, enter a description or reason for the refund.
Step 5: If you would like the customer to receive an email receipt for the refund, enter the customer’s email address and click to select the checkbox labeled Email transaction receipt to the customer (if email provided).
Step 6: Click OK to continue with the refund or click Cancel to cancel the action.
The Transaction Confirmation page opens, displaying the Transaction ID and the results of the transaction. If the refund transaction is a success, it will be sent for settlement.
Click Close to close the Transaction Confirmation window.
The refund transaction is listed on the Unsettled Transactions page with the status of Refund/Pending Settlement.
This feature also allows you to issue multiple partial refunds against an originally settled transaction. The Refund button is available on the Transaction Detail page until the sum of refunds submitted for the transaction equals the original settled amount or the transaction is more than 120 days old.